Is AMC Exam Preparation Difficult?

Is AMC Exam Preparation Difficult?

Medical students who wish to study in Australia and eventually become a medical doctor must take the AMC exam. And the popular opinion that these students have been told is that this exam is hard and difficult to pass.

Many students spend their time searching for questions like “Is the AMC exam difficult? What rate of students passes the AMC exam? While this might have some element of truth in it, we don’t want you to have that at the front of your mind. Rather, focus on the process, the little bits that make the whole journey to the examination. 

In today’s post, we are going to help point out exactly what you need to make the preparation much less difficult.

But first, you need to know that the AMC exam is tough like they say because it has to do with the health and safety of the Australian community. So, if you’re keen on pursuing a medical degree in Australia, it is best to allocate at least 13 months in advance in order to give you a better chance at studying and passing the exam.

The AMC, in the bid to help students as much as they can, has provided tools that double up their preparation rate. You can begin by familiarising yourself with the MCQ CAT Exam: User’s Guide. Furthermore, to give you a realistic idea of your preparation status for the exam, take an online trial exam at MCQ online trial examination.

After you must have gotten familiar with the exam, you need to start studying immediately. Break up all bulky books and past questions into smaller sticky notes that are easy to consume.

Here are some tips you could adopt as well:

  • Learn to test your knowledge with your study groups
  • Prepare yourself with the various online study tools to give you a better report on your capability prior to the AMC exam.
  • Study recall exams from the previous years provided by the Australian Medical Council.
  • Go as far as 8 years when taking these recalls so that you don’t leave a loophole.

Taking the AMC exam requires early preparations,  your undivided focus, and ultimately working with a fool proof study plan. Additionally, eating healthy and remaining fit both physically and mentally is also a key factor that you need to pay attention to.

There is no doubt that the AMC CAT exam is a strenuous exercise – for a good reason, but it could be made light work if your goal is to focus on the tiny bits that build-up to the exam.

Don’t make it so hard for yourself, give yourself enough time to study, fail, and excel in your small tasks while studying with your group.

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